Montag, 7. Januar 2008
Dismantle Me
I fancy you
But I've been destitute
And all I know dissolved
I could never reundo you
I will always say it's so
I will always speak the truth
Descend into a noose
I could never reundo you
I want to bury you
Vultures circle around
Feathers float, wings flap, beaks pound
And though my hearts exposed
I could never reundo you
I will always bleed the truth
I will always speak it new
And know I was sent to cut you loose
I will never reundo you
I want to bury you
Dismantle me
And It’s warm and humid on Swanston Street
And the air is filled with electricity
And the sky is deeper than a dream
And the sky is deeper than a
Dismantle Me
And the sky is deeper than a dream

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Sonntag, 16. Dezember 2007
Terrible Angels

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Donnerstag, 4. Oktober 2007
Biowaffenalarm, typisch, die Thais wieder mal..
Haha! Die Terrorangst unkelt die Leute ganz schön. Was denen im Kopf herumgeht?! Aber wie soll denn auch ein Vorstadtlondoner erkennen was eine verbrannte Chili und was ein Toxin ist. Und überhaupt: wer definiert denn bitte den Unterschied?!,1518,509351,00.html

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